Friday, 11 December 2009

Year 3/4 Watercolour Self Portraits

The whole class is watching Miss Roberts explain how to use water colours.

We took a picture of Miss Roberts using the paint.

Miss Roberts is applying a water wash to her page.

The water wash is finished. Miss Roberts used yellow fading to orange then red.
She explained it very well

We used blue and green.

Do you like the spots?

This is scamper being taken for a walk.

This artist has used the same colours as Miss Roberts but in a different order.

Some were very tall.

We used water colours ourselfs.

Year 3 boys enjoyed painting.

Theres lots of stripes on this portrait it looks very effective.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Nursery/Reception - Diwali Lamps

"We warmed up the clay."
"We rolled the clay into a ball."

"We pushed our thumb into the ball to make a hole."

"We pinched the top of the clay to make the hole bigger."
"We put a candle into the hole to check to see if it was big enough."
"We rubbed it carefully and gently to get rid of any cracks."
"We made some holes with a pencil around the side of our lamp to make it look pretty."

"Miss Roberts wrote our name on the bottom of our lamp."

Year 1/2 - Moveable Puppets

We are colouring in our puppet of a person who helps us.
This is a nurse.
Children colouring in their own puppets police men and fire fighters.
This is a puppet it's a fire fighter.
We are using the split pins to put our puppets together.
Being careful when putting the split pins through the holes.
Pulling the split pins apart.